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Does this look funny?

Here’s a boring photo I ftp-ed to my site. In both FireFox 0.9 and Internet Explorer, the bottom two thirds are purple. Yet if I download the very same file to my Windows XP and use a local viewer (ACDSee or the one built into PowerDesk) it looks fine. It seems to happen with any photos over a certain size. This leads me to think that it’s a display glitch in the browser…but in both browsers? Any explanations forthcoming from you oh-so-smart people?

The problem seems to have been a bug that’s fixed in the latest version of imagemagick. The image was corrupt, and now it’s not.

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4 Responses to “Does this look funny?”

  1. Have you tried uploading it again. When it happens to me I reckon it is a glitch in the uploading. (Looks odd in Safari too btw so not a browser thing)

  2. It’s your new electrical scheme. Your equipment doesn’t know how to act.

  3. % djpeg elect0033test.JPG >/dev/null
    Corrupt JPEG data: 6 extraneous bytes before marker 0xd9

    Your file is corrupt.

  4. Thank you Euan, Terry and G. Yes, Euan, I’ve uploaded it multiple times. The file is apparently too corrupt for browsers but not corrupt enough for desktop viewers. It’s being created automagically by imagemagick, so I think I’ve reached the end of my rope on this one.

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