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The Republican take

Email from Ken Mehlman, the Bush campaign manager:

President Bush spoke clearly and from the heart last night about the path forward – toward victory and security – in the War on Terror. The President spoke candidly about the difficulties facing our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan as these countries prepare for their first free elections. The terrorists will continue to fight these steps toward freedom because they fear the optimism and hope of democracy. They fear the prospects for their ideology of hate in a free and democratic Middle East.

President Bush detailed a path forward in the War on Terror – a plan that will ensure that America fights the enemy in Iraq and Afghanistan – not in America’s cities.

John Kerry failed the one test he had to pass last night: he failed to close the credibility gap he has with the American people as his record of troubling contradiction and vacillation spiraled down to incoherence.

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2 Responses to “The Republican take”

  1. Kerry is a fine debator. If we were electing captain of the US Debate team, Kerry would get the nod. Forget the Republican talking blow-hole day-after spin, the problem with Kerry is that goes beyond contradictions. He’s completely FOS.

    * The NYC subway did not shut down for RNC.
    * When we attacked Tora Bora, we did not have the troops in theatre to “insource” the job. We dropped MOABs on the caves, which incidentally, have more destructive power than the low-yield nukes he was deriding, and are arguably a more indiscriminent weapon.
    * I could not believe that Bush, the nukular expert that he must be, had to point out the difference between Plutonium and enriched Uranium to the Senator. Definitely the most wonkish moment of the debate — Kerry was frigging clueless.

    I completely disagree with the John Kerry who thinks the Axis of Crapweasels (France, Germany, Russia) would ever have contributed anything to Iraq or that it was worth working with them on Iraq. He has carved out the anti-Iraq-war position now, which is fine. It is a Sept 10 position, but hey, he thinks he has to run 100% against anything Bush, so he’s stuck with it. No mention of the UN oil-for-food program corruption, BTW. Documents out today link the company that was supposed to be supervising the thing with (surprise) Jacques Chirac.

    Also, Kyoto is a loser. It is based on controversial science, that is data and theories which are controversial within the community of scientists who study them. Visit the parking lot of the local WalMart and ponder the politics when the Kerry Administration tries to reduce mileage driven or engine size or whatever through whatever coercive means they plan. I was talking to a neighbor who has an Expedition last night. Kerry supporter. Asked her about global warming, told her if the science totuted in support of it is to be believed, her Expedition was more of a problem than my Blazer and she’d have to drive fewer miles. Well, she just goes to the grocery store and picks her kids up from school, you know, the short trips that spew the most pollutants, use the most gas, emit the most CO2…

    Watching the blogosphere today, I have seen Kerry supporters happy he was a skilfull debater. And I’ve seen Bush supporters completely deconstructing Kerry’s “facts”. I thought Joe Trippi signed up with Kerry. Doesn’t he get what happens on the net?

  2. It looks to me like the self-righteous Bush backers have their blinders lashed on tightly, and fail to have the big picture. Although I am a Libertarian with my own candiate to support, I find Senator Kerry much more intelligent and reasonable as well as adept in foreign affairs. You can quote all the skewed statistics you want, but I know the national economy has worsened under this Bush administration and is headed toward an emminent recession if not a depression.

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