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Micah’s new home

Micah Sifry has a new blog address. Not only do you get pungent analysis by a guy who knows politics and knows progressive organizing, it’s yet another tasty design by Bryan Bell.

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5 Responses to “Micah’s new home”

  1. Speaking of which, if you’ll pardon my dip into the extra superficial, when o when are you going to update the look of this blog, DW?

  2. Never. Why should I?

  3. Why should you, indeed! Substance over style, I say. :-)

  4. Oh, I agree, Adriana (it’s why we come here, afterall), but if you are in a position to wrangle both…?

    Not to say it’s horrid or anything DW. It’s just that it could be…uh, better.


  5. Memer, it is a thing of beauty, of perfection. Any alteration would only degrade it. And, yes, I did it myself.

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