Joho the Blog » Someday we’ll all look like her
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Someday we’ll all look like her

If you do a Google image search for typical person, this is the first photo of a person listed:

Google typical person
Typical Person

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9 Responses to “Someday we’ll all look like her”

  1. If you search for the text “people pictures” (no quotes), not a picture, and look at the first few items, one of them has for years been my page that just has a picture of me in 3rd grade and Gary Kildall. I get dozens and dozens of hits a day (for many years) from that. Google’s not perfect, but it is good enough…

  2. There is an interesting project related to “typical people”, specifically, of the future:

  3. hey this is my mom dont fuck her ok she is mine!

  4. i came in her hair and she freaked out and licked my nads , very strange girl

  5. i raped her in all her holes she paid me and ask me not to tell her mom and dad i lol and smacked her on the forehead with my balls

  6. i prefer the more masculin male type

  7. I raped her like my pet goat.

  8. if you all keep this up ill bust you all for picking on her!

  9. this is me in highscool dont pic on me ok

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