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Semantic autos

I was talking with Mark Dionne a couple of days ago about my failed attempt to create a hand gesture that apologizes to drivers for unwarranted honks of annoyance. Today Mark passed along a link to “a car that can wag its tail” that the Car Talk guys mentioned. (Photo here, once you click past the obnoxious overlay ad.)

Little does Mark know that I was on the verge of publishing my own breakthrough idea about this. A few days ago, I nearly hit a car that was making a left into the street because its turn signal simply was not visible from my direction. See the example below.

Obscure car signal

So, why not make a signal device that’s visible from all angles?

Intention vane

I call it an intention vane. It’s sure to catch on, don’t you think?

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4 Responses to “Semantic autos”

  1. I found a photo of the real thing here:

  2. It gets better! This site has an excellent movie demonstrating the “Thanks Tail”. This one looks different from the one on the site I gave previously. It would seem that several manufacturers are developing them.

  3. I think your wishes will be answered sooner than you think. After Bush gets re-elected, we’ll all soon be able to order our SUVs with Bushmaster (get it?) 25mm automatic cannons turret-mounted on the top of the vehicle. (photo here: )

    It’s part of a Department of Transportation highway safety/Department of Fatherland, er, I mean Homeland Security anti-terrorism program. Apart from the obvious uses of flushing out nests of Islamo-fascist sleeper cells, it’s a hell of a turn signal!

    You gotta think win-win in these difficult days.

  4. The craziness resumes

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