Joho the Blog » Request for Feature: Firefox: See all tabs
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Request for Feature: Firefox: See all tabs

The multiple tab feature of Firefox (and Opera before it) is enough of a reason to drop Microsoft Internet Explorer … which, apparently, people are doing at an increased pace, although IE still has something like 93% of the market.

But I currently have 31 instances of Firefox open, each with 1-4 tabs. So, I’d like an extension that lists all the open tabs in all the open instances. My dream extension would let me jump to any of those tabs. It would also let me close them or close multiple instances with a single click. And it would give fabulous back massages.

Any takers? Or can anyone point me to sufficient Firefox JavaScript examples that I could try to do this on my own?

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5 Responses to “Request for Feature: Firefox: See all tabs”

  1. Tabbrowser extensions does 90% of what you want, and Ben Goodger is no longer unhappy with it and has stopped recommending that people not use it. No back massages, though.

    Tabbrowser extensions will give you a little button on the toolbar that you can click and see a list of all open tabs of *that* instance of FF, and you can jump to the tab you want. You can also save the list of tabs, and click on that saved list to bring them back up. I wouldn’t use FF without it. It does mean that when I use FF, I generally have one or two instances of it open, each with 20 or so tabs :-).

    Also, incredibly usefully, it has an Undo Closed Tabs button you can put on your toolbar that will drop down a list of your most recent closed tabs. Click on the one you didn’t mean to close and it will reload the page.

    I am still on FF 0.93, waiting for all the extensions to be updated, and Tabbrowser extensions works perfectly on 0.93. I don’t know what the situation is with 1.0 PR.

    What I would like is an extension that would give me a button I could click that would just save as a plain text file a list of all the urls that I currently have open. Have you seen anything like that?

  2. Tabbrowser Extensions: couldn’t use Firefox without them

    I was surprised to read posts from David Weinberger and Dan Gillmor today asking about functionality they wanted from a Firefox extension. My favorite Firefox extension, Tabbrowser Extensions, does 98%+ of what they want (sorry David, no back massages)…

  3. Multizilla ( ) has a feature that lets you move tabs from one window to another, and do some other tab management that might be useful to you.

    But, I’m pretty sure multizilla isn’t being updated and also doesn’t work with Firefox. Maybe a version of it (or its spawn) will appear in a Firefox extension.

  4. I believe the TabBrowser extension Tim talks about is here:

  5. hi
    I am searching for a firefox extension that can copy all the links in a page to a text file or any other type of file.
    if u know of any such extension if help me.

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