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Blog out the college vote!

Zephyr Teachout, one of my very favorite faves from the Dean campaign, is heading up the oddly-named Baobabs College Labs Project, funded by Mitch Kapor and Freada Kapor Klein, intended to get out the college vote. From the press release:

The campaign is targeting a dozen universities in swing states such as Ohio, New Mexico, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. Selected progressive student organizers on these campuses are given stipends, support, and online community building tools developed on the Howard Dean campaign.

…The effort hopes to spread online beyond the initial schools using such web tools as Civic Space, formerly “Dean Space,” Advokit, open source GOTV software, and Forwardtrack, open source petition software.

The project hopes to use blogs as a way to organize and inspire. The name comes from an African tree that looks like its been turned “roots side up.”

Go Zephyr! Go college organizers! Get out the vote! Get out the right vote!

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