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Email address encoder

From Dan Gillmor comes a link to Enkoder, a site that creates JavaScript you can put on your Web page that will display a link to your email address in a way that spam harvesters can’t find it. If it works, you should see the phrase “My email address” expressed as a link here:

…We interrupt this blog entry and remove the script that was here because, although the script worked, it also made my RSS un-parsable. Ack. (Thanks, geodog, for letting me know.)

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5 Responses to “Email address encoder”

  1. I’ve used Hive ekoder with success for a long time. Unfortunately, it has borked your rss feed, says This feed does not validate.


    line 108, column 2: XML Parsing error: :108:2: mismatched tag [help]


    and Sage, the Firefox RSS reader extension, won’t parse your feed.


  2. Thanks for the code. This should help me out.

  3. Name: Ofori Attah

    Email Alternative; [email protected]

    Dear Friend,

    My name is Mr. Ofori Attah, the regional manager of International commercial Bank (ICB) Kaneshie Ghana.

    I am a Ghanaian married with two kids.

    I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us. As the regional manager of the bank, it’s my duty to send financial reports to my head office in the capital city of Accra.

    On the course of the last year 2003 end of the of the year’s report, I discovered that my branch in which I am the manager made two Million Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand US Dollars (2,550.000.00) of which my head Office is not aware of and will never be aware of. I have since then PLACED this fund on a SUSPENCE ACCOUNT without a beneficiary.

    As an officer of the bank, I cannot be directly connected to this fund thus I am compelled to request for your assistance to receive this fund into your bank account.

    I intend to part with 20% of this fund to you while 80% shall be for me.

    I do need to assure you that there is practically no risk involved in this. It’s going to be a bank-to-bank transfer.

    All I need from you is to stand as the original depositor of this fund.

    If you accept this offer, I will appreciate your timely response.

    With regards,
    Mr. Ofori Attah.

  4. HELLO,

    Please i want to know if your organisation can take
    me from my country to work anywhere in Europe or
    United state, and the organisation will be having 50%
    of my salary for period of 2 years as interest or
    profit of your investment for getting me working?.

    I had a good handwork . I stay in West Africa.

    Nurudeen .

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