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Born under a dark electrical cloud

We arrived at my family’s house in the Berkshires to discover that both phones and many of the lights are fried. Apparently, there was a lightning strike. Or maybe it’s just my bad electrical mojo running ahead of me.

So, I had to drive around with Netstumbler to find a working, open wifi hotspot in town. (Yay for free wifi.) It’s gone this afternoon, though. So, I have 12 minutes remaining on the public Internet in the local library. Must type faster…

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3 Responses to “Born under a dark electrical cloud”

  1. David, I have to warn you about open wireless access points in resort areas. . . .

  2. Hm. I don’t know of many wireless access points in the Berkshires, actually. Jae’s Inn (and pan-Asian restaurant) in North Adams has wifi; the Village Green in Williamstown has wifi; and that’s all I know of, in northern Berkshire. (I don’t know the wireless map of South County, so if you’re somewhere south of Williamstown, I can’t be helpful…unless you want to make use of the wifi in our living room. :-)

  3. I found open WAPs in Great Barrington on Main Street across from the Opera House and on RailRoad Street. But they were here one morning and gone the next, so bring NetStumbler with you…

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