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The words of the prophets are written for $14.95

Remember Rael? No, not Rael Dornfest. The French “journalist” and lying clone meister who has been appointed ambassador by the extraterrestials who created life on this planet. In fact, the ET’s dictated a book to Rael to set the planet straight. And yet Rael charges $14.95 to buy it. Why haven’t the aliens cut Rael down with a laser death beam beam for not posting the whole book for free on the Web? Did Isaiah hold out for foreign rights? Did Ezekial hold on to the film rights? Did Jeremiah run blog ads?…

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2 Responses to “The words of the prophets are written for $14.95”

  1. The Copyrightability of Messages from Extraterrestrials

    David Weinberger posted something today on JOHO the Blog that reminded me of one of the minor problems I have copyright law (The words of the prophets are written for $14.95):Remember Rael? No, not Rael Dornfest. The French “journalist” and…

  2. I hear the Scientologists’ lawyers coming, they’ve got the exclusive right to exogenesis in cults.

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