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On the sudden revelation of jerkitude

After an hour of failing to get my in-law’s wifi up again, I was working up a good lather. I had Adelphia dead to rights: I have two wifi access points, a Linksys and a D-link, neither of which was giving me ping, neither of which was giving me a DNS. I have two computers here, both with the same problem. I tried every conceivable setting on both the access points and the computers. Nope nope nope. Adelphia was going to get an earful, I can promise you that!

I decided to try one last reboot of the Adelphia cable modem. And then, I noticed that the ethernet cable from the D-Link was plugged into the Linksys, not into the Adelphia modem. Um. Er. It turns out it works a lot better if you connect the access point to the Internet.

Heck, I may call Adelphia customer support and unload on them anyway. It may be unfair and undeserved, but it’s cheaper than therapy.

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One Response to “On the sudden revelation of jerkitude”

  1. Yeppers, that technology stuff can be a rockin’ good time!

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