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Order of Magnitude Quiz: Paper readers

If you add the number of readers (note: readers, not subscribers) of the paper versions of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today, and then subtract the number of readers in the metropolitan New York area so as not disadvantage USA Today, what’s the total number of readers? (Information from The Media Audit as reported by The Center for Media Research.)

To see the answer, drag-select the seemingly-blank space between the x’s:

X 15 million: 6.1 million for the NYT, 5.3 million for USA Today, and 3.7 million for the WJS. X

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3 Responses to “Order of Magnitude Quiz: Paper readers”

  1. I do Times first, too, then Corriere Della Sera next.

  2. i am an idiot and i am lead by richard simmons

  3. i am an idiot and i am lead by richard simmons

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