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World’s worst site?

Ernie the Attorney links to the world’s worst site, an attempt to aggravate, um, aggregate the most common errors made by tyro web designers.

The site is bad but, jeez, I’m sure I’ve been to worse. No registration required, no page transitions, no frames (except for Tripod/Angelfire inserting itself as an IE search companion, apparently not as part of the joke), no popups, no pornography, no spyware (as far as I can tell), no size=1 font, no redirect of the back button. The music and animated gifs are real annoying, though.

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3 Responses to “World’s worst site?”

  1. Oh yeah, sorry to be off topic in the last post. But, yes, that is THE worst website ever. Haha.

  2. ur A TWAT

  3. This is a truly awful site

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