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Tiny drive imager

The drives can be large, but this drive imager, Snap shot, is only 130K. It comes highly recommended by Miles at TinyApps, which is a very good sign. I’m trying it out now, and if it all goes as it seems like it will, I’ll be plunking down my 40 euros for the unrestricted version. (The restriction is that after 30 days, you can’t read the backups. [Correction: Nope. You can read the backup, but can’t make any new ones after 30 days. Sorry.])

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5 Responses to “Tiny drive imager”

  1. >>(The restriction is that after 30 days, you can’t read the backups.)

    that’s wrong. After 30 days, you can’t BACKUP any longer; you still can restore/view old images.


  2. Drive SnapShot: drive imaging program

    This is noteworthy: David Weinberger — ‘The drives can be large, but this drive imager, SnapShot, is only 130K. It comes highly recommended by Miles at TinyApps, which is a very good sign’.

  3. I fixed it in the blog entry. Thanks for the correction. And, Tom, thanks for the sw.

  4. I saw it in Tiny Apps as well. Sounds like a godsend. Please let us know how well it works.

  5. Reports from the field?

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