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After receiving my 15th request to be friends at

The feature I’d most like to see in any new social network: Import from some other social network. Get me out of the middle of re-re-re-re-confirming that I am so-and-so’s dear friend.

These social networks in my experience continue to be all maintenance and no value.

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6 Responses to “After receiving my 15th request to be friends at”

  1. Multiply this!

    Too good to pass up: The feature I’d most like to see in any new social network: Import from some other social network. Get me out of the middle of re-re-re-re-confirming that I am so-and-so’s dear friend.These social networks in…

  2. The feature I’d most like to see in any new social network…

    After receiving my 15th request to be friends at…. The feature I’d most like to see in any new social network… — the feature I’d most want to see is a quick way to tell them to NEVER SEND ME MORE EMAIL that doesn’t require registerin…

  3. 1) We’re working on this over at FOAFnet.

    2) Multiply seems to be able to import Orkut and Friendster friends lists if you give Multiply your password (!) for the other two sites. This surely breaks T&Cs for the other sites, doesn’t it? But putting aside T&C and security issues, it’s a shame they can’t recognise friends who are already members of Multiply. Sending out a form email to people who are already members just makes the whole SNAM problem worse.

  4. I should add that interop between YASNs raises lots of lovely issues about Single Signon and personal identity. And it’s attracting the attention of people trying to create the sort of system that Passport and Liberty promised.

    Of course what we really need is an addon to popular blog software that lets *everyone* run their own Personal Identity Server under *their* control. We don’t need no steenking centralised identity system.

  5. So-and-so’s dear friend

    David Weinberger: “…These social networks in my experience continue to be all maintenance and no value.”

  6. multiply is an awsm site ….. !!! (yea k dats it) lol

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