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Jay on whether 9/11 changed journalism

Jay has blogged an atypical piece that is typically brilliant. He asks: Did 9/11 change journalism? Should it have? What story do journalists tell themselves about their role in the “war on terrorism”?

Are journalists who inform citizens of the most powerful and influentual nation in the world participants in the war on terror, in the worldwide struggle for democracy, freedom and markets, because their country is a participant—the biggest by far—and they inform it?

Don’t miss the discussion in the comments.

I only have a simple-minded answer to the question Jay poses in his nuanced post: 9/11 should have helped make even more clear what’s always been the case. Journalists are always embedded because they are human. We humans are fallible, context-bound and self-interested. Our glory is that we can be less so rather than more so. But, we’re stuck with being bodies born into history. Yes, even Peter Jennings.

So, imagine what a relief it would be if journalists felt free to drop the 90-pound pack of bullshit they carry…a relief for us as well as for them. Imagine if American journalists could write about the advance of US troops in Najaf without having to hide the fact that they’re surrounded by Marines who are protecting them from Iraqis who are trying to kill them, that they hope the US wins the battle, that they understand the US’s motives better than Sadr’s, that they know the daily US briefings are full of shit but at least they’re in English, that if push came to shove, they’d pick up a rifle and fire at the Iraqis rather than die with the Marines, but they’d never pick up a rifle and fire at the Marines. Everyone knows this anyway. Why try to hide it?

In fact, being a body embedded in history is the condition for perception, knowledge, narrative and reporting. Fox has got this right-er than the Times. In my embodied, fallible, self-interested opinion.

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117 Responses to “Jay on whether 9/11 changed journalism”

  1. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  2. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  3. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  4. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  5. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  6. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  7. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  8. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  9. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  10. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  11. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “So what do you propose? That we be ‘protected’ from being frightened by being kept artificially blind by a knowing pre…

  12. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “I find myself a little disturbed by this talk. Are you arguing for censorship?” (I wasn’t.) “Don’t let 9-11 re-invent…

  13. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “I find myself a little disturbed by this talk. Are you arguing for censorship?” (I wasn’t.) “Don’t let 9-11 re-invent…

  14. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “I find myself a little disturbed by this talk. Are you arguing for censorship?” (I wasn’t.) “Don’t let 9-11 re-invent…

  15. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “I find myself a little disturbed by this talk. Are you arguing for censorship?” (I wasn’t.) “Don’t let 9-11 re-invent…

  16. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “I find myself a little disturbed by this talk. Are you arguing for censorship?” (I wasn’t.) “Don’t let 9-11 re-invent…

  17. Reactions to “What if Everything Changed for American Journalists on September 11th?”

    Here’s my exchange with Washington Post reporter Michael Powell about his own re-thinking after 09/11, plus other reactions. Like: “I find myself a little disturbed by this talk. Are you arguing for censorship?” (I wasn’t.) “Don’t let 9-11 re-invent…

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