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Let blogs be blogs

The Democrats have sent a msg to the faithful (including me) drawing our attention to some bad taste going on over at the W blog where they’re quoting part of a Jack Dunphy column at National Review Online. The part quoted on the Bush site makes fun of the fire fighters and police officers who have come out in support of Kerry, saying that they’re beer-bellied poseurs, not the working class, straight-talkin’ rank and file.

Big deal. It’s some rabble-rousing flamery along the lines of calling Dean a Birkenstock-wearing, brie-eating, Volvo-driving, effete Liberal. It reads as dumb and emotive, but, hell, welcome to the world. At least it quickens the pulse, unlike most political discourse.

The Dems are particularly upset at the full article from which the quotes come. But take a look. It says, basically, that cops and firefighters are conservative “Regular Guys” who go for Bush’s pose more than for Kerry’s. It generalizes but not unwittingly, and it’s funny on purpose.

You know what? I’d rather have a blog that’s sometimes scurrilous than agree to squeeze the life, voice, humor, over-statement, and spontaneity from all political blogs.

So, back off, Dems! And learn something from the Republicans.

It gets worse. According to Chris Nolan, via Doc, the Kerry blog has dropped its blogroll. I’m guessing – and it’s just a guess – that they got worried that someone on it would say something that could be used against them.

This is distressing not just because the Web is made of links but because it’s a signal that the adults and lawyers are afraid of the ambiguity of linky relationships. But it’s that ambiguity that gives the Web its importance.

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