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New smoke-free environment

Over at Jeneane‘s, every topic is colored by her non-smoking non-haze – the “the dissociative second-hand activity of smoking,” as she says. Really interesting. (Disclosure: My mother died of lung cancer about 10 years. .)

For some reason, I remember Sartre writing that the hard part of giving up smoking a pipe was the way its absence altered all of the activities he used to do while smoking. Now, I don’t think you need a Nobel-award winning philosopher to point that out, but it does get at what must be the hardest thing about giving up the drug: There’s something to being a smoker. On the other hand, non-smokers tend to be longer. And we definitely want Jeneane to be for a looong time.

So, go Jeneane! Be Jeneane! Be!

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