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Tuesday in Chicago

We had a great day yesterday on vacation in Chicago, although it wasn’t particularly good in clearing items from our checklist.

We got off to a late start because after breakfast I had a conference call I had to participate in. So, it was 1pm before we really headed out. We walked along Michigan and came upon the Millennium Park, due to open on Friday. We couldn’t get a good enough view of the new Gehry concert shell, which looked twisty and interesting, but the site is interrupted by large photos of families from around the world, with just a few lines about each. The photos are great and the text was artfully written — a little for each that captures something significant. Nice.

And then there was this odd object.

Chicago mirror sculpture 1

Chicago mirror sculpture 2

It’s going to become a signature thingy for the city. Very cool. (My first reaction: Damn! Now Boston can’t be the one to have thought of this!)

Then we went to the Art Institute of Chicago. Omigod. After an initial contretemps at the bag checkin (Hint: Put your water bottle inside of your backpack because otherwise their weird aquaphobia means you have to drink all the water before they’ll accept the bag), we went to the second floor because we are suckers for the Impressionists. It is an amazing collection. Go figure how light becomes blur becomes clarity, and then get back to me on it. And I’m not usually moved by still lifes (still lives?), for no interesting reason, but I was transfixed by a particular Cezanne painting of fruit on a cloth on a table. I wanted to eat the colors. Fortunately, I was restrained by a Ditka-esque security guard who hosed my down with a water bottle before I could do any serious damage.

Unfortunately, my back started to go out, so I sat down while my wife continued on to the 15th century.

Then we went on an architectural boat tour, thanks to your bloggerific suggestion. Fantastic. The guide on this 90 minute session was incredibly knowledgeable, both in detail and in theme. It made the city even more beautiful. Well worth it.

We then headed off to “The People vs. Friar Laurence,” a production of the Chicago Shakespeare Theater. The theater was packed and the audience laughed its head off. We left at intermission because, well, we didn’t like it. The music was boring, and the big joke was that Shakespeare’s language is difficult. Haha. Got it. Now how about giving us some of Shakespeare’s language instead of Red Foxx allusions?

We wandered around looking for a place to eat – what a beautiful and open-hearted city – and ended up in the hotel restaurant where we actually had a lovely meal with friendly, unpretentious service. Then I did something I do once a year: smoked a cigar in the hotel’s cigar bar (but only after a bunch of salesguys had lit up because I didn’t want people blaming me for stinking up the place…yes, I am that much of a coward). Very nice, although here’s an important tip: The next morning, after brushing your teeth vigorously, your mouth will still smell like cigar, albeit with a minty aftertaste. Yech.

Well, I can either keep blogging or we can go out into Chicago…

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