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The administration’s reaction to torture

I’m pleased that the Bush administration hasn’t tried to defend or minimize our actions at Abu Ghraib. Not a word that I’ve heard.

Of course, I wish Bush had apologized earlier; it took about 24 hours for the administration to decide that this was really really really bad and not just really bad. And, I’d prefer to see a more sweeping set of changes that address how this could ever have happened. But I’m surprisingly not outraged by how Bush reacted once the photos went public.

Will this bring a break between Bush and the DittoHead wing of the Republican Party? Rush is telling his cadre that this was all caused by some “idiot” who took “a picture of something out of context.” “The world is laughing” at us for the Senate’s questioning of Rumsfeld:

We are being laughed at today and we are being seen as weak and malleable. I ask again, “Who died here?”

Um, 25 Iraqis. And America’s claim to being the unambiguous moral leader of the world.

Has Rush criticized Bush for apologizing? I can’t say that I’m a regular listener…

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