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Salon on the march!

Salon is expanding its coverage of The Slugfest in the States, the Brawl for All America, DubZilla vs. Frankenstein, or whatever you want to call the upcoming election. It’s opened a DC bureau under Sidney Blumenthal, it’s publsihing “The New Pentagon Papers,” it’s teaming up with Rolling Stone, Air America (the new liberal talk radio network) and The Guardian.

Salon has 74,000 subscribers. For $29, you could make it 74,001. Salon is one of my favorite daily reads, so I’m just being selfish when I ask you to subscribe.

After all, Scott Rosenberg, has added a notice that now his blog is “New! Improved! Now Fair and Balanced!” Isn’t that worth something? (Also, Salon has one of the more innovative ways of enabling readers who don’t want to pony up the subscription fee to still get full access to the articles on the site.)

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