Joho the Blog » My eBay account has [only apparently] been compromised
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My eBay account has [only apparently] been compromised

When I tried to log in to eBay tonight, my password wouldn’t work. So, I had eBay send me my login name. Sure enough, it’s not mine. Somehow, another name has been attached to my email address. Not good. My credit card companies don’t report any unusual activity, though.

eBay doesn’t make it easy to report this problem. Their “Contact us about security page” has a small tree of choices, and this isn’t one of them. Their “email us” button nonsensically reports that I haven’t filled in all fields, when there were no fields at all to fill in. So, I’m sitting in their live help chat client, waiting an average of 28 minutes, to chat with a support person.

And, no, I didn’t fall for one of the eBay scams that has me “update my records.”

Later Ok, since last June, eBay has been warning us that it was going to disallow email addresses as logins, a reasonable precaution. They promulgated this warning via emails, but since I get a couple of spoof eBay messages a day, who pays attention to eBay messages. And they use popups. But who has popups turned on these days? So, I never protected myself straight into fearful ignorance.

Am I mistaken or has this blog become nothing but an account of the many ways in which I am a moron?

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