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I got a Mac and it sucks

I just spent an hour on the phone with my father-in-law failing to help him find his email client. It used to be there, but it vanished from the tool bar at the bottom. Now we can’t get it back. None of the Finder options seem to actually help us find anything.

I know it’s there. I know it’s “easy.” But it sure ain’t intuitive. Anyone want to give me the most basic instruction about how to find things on the !@#$% Mac, OS X?

As Dr. Dean would say, “Aaaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!”

[Ten minutes later] I can’t even walk my father-in-law through the process of using Safari to get to his ISP’s home page so he can use the Web client to get his mail. He clicks into the adress bar. It highlights. He presses the Delete key. It clears. He types in “” and presses the Return key. (Why isn’t it called the Enter key? Why is Mac still stuck in the world of typewriters?) A window comes down, obscuring the address bar, telling him that the server can’t be found because somehow the address has become http://wwwwww.rcn.comcom (or something like that). We try it three times. I give up.

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