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X1 gears up

X1 is the best desktop search engine I’ve found for Windows. It indexes your email, your contacts, and all the files on your desktop. Want to find that email talks about phlogiston? By the time you’ve finished typing in “phl,” X1 will have found it. I use it maybe 5 times a day.

Now X1 is starting to market itself. Good. It’s worth the $100 in time savings alone. It’s held up well as my email archive has grown to 110,000 messages. And the company has been very responsive to bug reports and enhancement requests. So, go X1! I hope you make a bundle.

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29 Responses to “X1 gears up”

  1. Did anyone try the new X1 5.1 beta ?

  2. Vonage is the worst phone system ever. We had installed it and had nothing but problems with dropped calls. It took 57 days to get the system disconnected and 37 days after they are still billing us.

    I have never had such difficulty in working with a phone company. I would not, WOULD NOT recomend this service.

    Please do your do dilligence before using this service.

  3. If you think X1 is the best desktop search engine you have used, you haven’t tried Gaviri PocketSearch.

    Gaviri PocketSearch is by far the best desktop search engine available on the market.

  4. Hi,
    I’m thinking of again trying a Desktop Search Utility after previously using Google’s and Microsoft’s Desktop search tools. I uninstalled both as they hit my 3yr old laptops performance quite hard and also didn’t always find files i knew existed.

    I like the fact that you can determine when x1 indexes (i.e. through the night) but was wondering what sort of performance hit it gives your PC in comparison to Google and Microsoft’s tools etc. Also what comparison is there between finding your files-can you get it to index C++ and SQL files etc?


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