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What the world needs now: Another religion

Yoism is a made-up “open source” religion that replaces God with an impersonal Divine Mystery that seems to be loosely defined as “The Stuff that Is and the Scientifical Laws It Follows,” so that the proof of Yo’s existence consists of saying that the universe exists. Yoism pledges to build Heaven on Earth, and, best of all, without self sacrifice!

I’m confident Yoism is built on the best of intentions. I’m just having trouble getting past the unintentional self-parody. I guess that makes me a small person.

Thanks to Ross Knights for the link.

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7 Responses to “What the world needs now: Another religion”

  1. Keep reading. Especially enlightening are the teachings of Saint Issac (Newton), Saint Albert (Einstein), Saint Richard (Dawkins), Saint Bob (Dylan), Saint James (Loewen), …

    (btw the first link should be .org)

  2. Thanks. I fixed the link. D’oh!

  3. If Yoism is going to build a Heaven on Earth, without self-sacrifice, it must be a religion for this age, or at least for this administration.

    Does that mean that the tax cuts will be permanent, National Guard volunteers will continue to carry the burden of the war in Iraq, and Greenspan’s Social Security cuts will not affect anyone we know?

  4. As an atheist and a bright, I like it. In fact, most people would hardly recognize it as religion at all because there are no supernatural beings or afterlives or miracles. It’s humanism in the garb of traditional religion. Works for me.

  5. well, this is the age of choice, right? take your pick: on the one shelf, we’ve got traditional religions, dogmas, and cults we’ve long inherited from past centuries, and on the right hand side we’ve got techno-science, transhumanism, yoism, and who knows what else. hmm…and i always wanted to start my own spiritual cult….but when considering what pains such gurus have to go through, i decided to postpone it for a while. he he.

    seriously now, if it makes sense for some people, and it helps them somehow better themselves in the process, then why not? i’ve only got a question: who administers access to paradise?

  6. Sorry, Yoism implicitly sets forth self-sacrifice in the page ‘On Trippies.’

    “Probably no one has expressed this pseudo-paradoxical truth and the emptiness of anarchistic, hedonistic worship of the individual (and the *avoidance of the need for self-sacrifice and hard work) better than Saint Trey:”

    (Asterisks mine)

    You were probably thinking of Objectivism.

  7. that religion is stupid christianity is for me!

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