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Cory loses yet more control

Cory has altered the Creative Commons license on Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom so that almost any non-commercial adaptation of it does not require his permission. If you want to turn it into a movie or republish it via skywriting, please go ahead.

BTW, you can read the text of Cory’s talk at Emerging Tech here.

Speaking of Cory, I ran into him in the speakers room at Emerging Tech where he was throwing out a print-out of his speech. I randomly snagged a piece that turned out to be peculiarly relevant, so I had him sign it:

Cory Signature
Click for full-size image

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3 Responses to “Cory loses yet more control”

  1. A friend of mine was just out of the blue telling me that I should read Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom. I searched the catalog at my library, but they don’t have it. To my wish list it goes.

  2. ETCON: roundup and impressions

    The Emerging Technology Conference 2004 was a fascinating and thought-provoking event, and these are my general impressions

  3. Scott,
    You can get a signed copy from Cory.

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