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Exit the MATRIX

Jane Black at Businessweek Online reports that more than half of the states that signed up for the MATRIX law-enforcement database have quit it. The Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange lets the police draw on multiple databases to create instant dossiers on, well, anyone they want. Here are Jane’s conclusions:

There’s no doubt that MATRIX raises privacy red flags, though after an extensive briefing by the Florida Law Enforcement Dept., which is spearheading the project, I believe that it’s little more than an efficient way to query multiple databases.

The real furor over MATRIX demonstrates something much more important — and surprising: Privacy advocates have gained a lot of ground in the two years since September 11. And the pendulum is swinging back in their favor.

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4 Responses to “Exit the MATRIX”

  1. voglio uscire da matrix contact me!!!!

  2. The MATRIX has control over everyone and everything. Our personal lives and information are being processed as we speak by machines we will never see nor learn of until it is too late. The control of the MATRIX must be stopped. Free minds do not think alike!

  3. I’m seeking the truth help me get out of this place! I’ve stepped to the edge of the looking glass. Can I get out of this place? Am I alone? How can I tell if my senses are lying? Can you tell me why it feels more real when i’m dreaming than when I’m awake?

  4. I want to get out of this damned place help me to get out!

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