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12 minutes on the value of the unspoken

I just stumbled across an 12-minute video talk I did for Vignette last spring on the value of ambiguity, messiness and the unspoken. I just watched it and I agree with myself, even 7 months later.

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5 Responses to “12 minutes on the value of the unspoken”

  1. I’m just getting a broken link to

  2. Hmm. It’s working for me. I wonder if it’s a Windows-specific file.

  3. Great stuff, Dave. Thanks for the link.

  4. 12 minutes on the value of the unspoken

    12 minutes on the value of the unspoken…

  5. Dunno. Tried launching it out of Mozilla and IE 6.0, both on WinXP. Maybe it doesn’t work in New Hampshire (*shrug*)

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