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See Ralph Not Run

Ralph Nader is showing signs of leaning heavily towards running again. If, like me, you think that that would be a bad thing in the current context, you can send a message to his exploratory committee at [email protected]. There’s also a site set up to urge him to support the Democratic candidate so that Bush won’t get reelected.

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4 Responses to “See Ralph Not Run”

  1. I had heard rumors that if Dean was the candidate, Ralph would not run. The problem here is such: if everyone writes him an anrgy note, that’s not productive. Even if he does run (and there’s lots of other people running for president, too) it’s still up to you, who you vote for. Because someone voted for Nader, doesn’t mean they would have voted for a Democrat if he wasn’t an option. Everyone has the right to run for president. I voted and campaigned for Nader in 2000. If they had achieved 5% vote, they would have been qualified for federal matching funds. That’s why I voted for them: to work towards ending the duopoly lock on American Politics. Without the vote tampering, and Supreme Court, the plurality of Americans would have gotten what they voted for. It certainly wasn’t Ralph’s fault. You’re wrongly assuming those people would have voted for Gore, if at all.

    This year, I chose to support Dean. I don’t like the national level Democrats for the most part. They’re generally just as slimy as Republicans (who of course, aren’t all bad, either). So if you want to write a respectful letter to Ralph that’s one thing, but attacking him, or encouraging others to is only counter productive. I wrote him months ago and asked him to support Howard Dean. I don’t think that Kerry is that much of an improvement over a Republican. If he was the nominee I would have serious reservations. And that’s my choice. In the end, it’s my vote, and I’ll decide what to do with it.

  2. A classical problem of Latin American democracy has been a plethora of left-of-center groups, often with differing priorities in spite of general agreement, facing a few conservative parties, whose discipline is imposed mostly by their allegiance to accounting principles. Combined with a strong executive (the equivalent of the Patriot Act in the region is often called a state of siege, or a regimen of exception), an emasculated legislature (compare, say, the present governance of House and Senate Conference Committees) and a politicized judiciary (Bush v. Gore, Charles W. Pickering) and history shows that it makes for a durable system, and one that it is easy for cultivated and intelligent people to fall in to.

    I guess what I’m saying is, that it’s not only the right that seems determined that we become Argentina.

  3. My name is Amir. I recomond Mr. Ralph to not run agains Democrat. The Democrats should bet Mr. Bush in any price. I ask every single American to support the democrat pary…

  4. Seems no one is really interested in ending the duopoly that has ruined America, and our chances to re-create what the founding fathers had in mind. Seeing as how we are all supremely satisfied with the status quo, why the protracted and confusing debate? There are no differences in what any of the current crop of louts and criminals offer, so why worry ? In fact, why not simply accept those proffered by our parties and simply rubber stamp their choices on our behalf ? C’mon, freedom is OUT. Nationalistic pride is a thought crime. Borders, citizenship, labor cost advantages are all…negotiable. Right? The cost of freedom has been redefined as “war in Iraq is the cost of freedom”, “gun control is the cost of freedom”, the “loss of all our freedom is the cost of freedom”, “two million people in cages is the cost of freedom” right ? Have we all been so polluted by the “big lies” that we actually believe them ? Well, read what you say in these pages. The concept of liberty and how we lost it doesn’t even surface. We only flatter ourselves with thinking we know the best policy courses for the tyrant we elect. Which geek has all the right stuff. Why we are such flaming racists. A better idea? Investigate WHO these people are that surround every elected official. Investigate WHO are the people that built this nation. Investigate your own identity, and the identity of those making policy disasters like the N. Korea debacle. Investigate the identity of the media, the movies, and who and how the public debate is framed by these same folks. Then RUN to the polls and vote them ALL right back in.

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