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Poetry blog

Pete the Beat who has been blogging his poems in my back pages (um, comments) has started his own blog, Beat Way Down. Here’s how one entry begins :

The art of highballs and cocktails
cannot reach Mars on Main…

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21 Responses to “Poetry blog”

  1. Presidential Elecrtion

    In this presidential election,
    promises will be made.
    In this presidential election,
    the truth will fade.

    Lies will be swirling around the mote,
    but the question is, who will vote?

    In this presidential election,
    Some candidates will be sad.
    In this presidential election,
    People will get mad.

    Lies will be swirling around the mote,
    but the question is, who will vote?

    In this presidential election,
    I will turn to Fox and CNN.
    In this presidential election,
    I hope the president is my friend.

    Fear will be swirling on TV,
    but Mr. President, keep us free.

  2. Nice poem.

  3. Is Nigritude related to elections?

  4. This is just prose that happens to rhyme. Poetry needs figurative language

  5. We’re trying to get the word out about a new anthology, Best New Poets. See

  6. Not poetry. Belongs on a newspaper’s editorial page.

  7. Poetry Needs Nothing


  8. I couldn’t agree more. That was a brilliant poem. I really liked how you assumed the style of Pope so you could express your ideas and satirise them at the same time. It was also effective how you purposely used common language and sloganeering to highlight the ineffectiveness of propaganda – whilst still reiterating the need for it. And the Leonard Cohen reference: “Fear will be swirling on the TV” was greatly appreciated – I’m a huge fan of his. I’m not sure if the Kafka reference worked for me though. I understand your using of his symbolism from “The Castle” with the moat line, but his image of isolation seemed to contradict the overall mass message. Aside from that, I thought it was an excellent work and will be looking forward to more.

  9. hans schnauber is a theif!!!!!!!!!!!! just ask the people of portland, oregon

  10. the deception of understanding
    goes beyond the cloak of secrecy
    where the sole is active in comprehension
    of something that has no answer
    yet resolution may ultimately come
    to questions not asked by time that waits

  11. the deception of understanding

    goes beyond the cloak of secrecy

    where the sole is active in comprehension

    of something that has no answer

    yet resolution may ultimately come

    to questions not asked by time that waits

  12. I started a poetry blog for my original works this month. I’d be honored if you’d give it read and tell me what you think. :)

  13. I like the poem and your expression of thoughts and feelings however I feel it lacked the vibrant language that is expected of poetry. Still great though :D

  14. Nice work!

    Check out this poetry blog and join in the fun ;-).

  15. I very much liked this poem.

  16. Go Hillary Clinton!

  17. I enjoyed this poem and I have bookmarked your site.




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  20. Cool politically serious poem diggin it!
    I am Purple Crayon Brain firing it up on the blog poetry scene this poetry blog must be seen! Resistance is futile you will be affected by Purple Crayon Brain. Purple Crayon Brain firing onward and BLASTING OFF!- – – ->

  21. 4 June 2007

    After the storm, my mind cleared.

    And a high wind arose and blew the tropics north.

    running quartz crystals through a blender.

    sand through your engines.

    bubbles in your bays.

    estuaries reaching out toward forbidden seas…

    sand through your eyes.

    5 June 2007

    Calm as baby’s breath

    as peaceful as the storm’s eye

    Clouds spread and drawn with rough strokes of stratospheric winds

    a warm and windy tropical day.

    7 June 2007

    Black water at dusk.

    Lighting on the horizon.

    Warm winds coming in across the darkening waters.

    A flash of white wings as an egret takes flight.

    And Thunder like God clearing his throat.

    8 June 2007

    Morning star in the still of the clear, dark waters.

    a sky as clear eyed as a young girl.

    bruised and tattered storm remnants limp off in the gathering light.

    9 June 2007

    Tickled her fancy.

    giggling all the day long.

    pretty good for a Saturday.

    Clouds on the lake floating aimlessly by.

    She smiled big–grinned really.

    12 JUne 2007

    A silver sky

    ripe for the mirror.

    you can not see yourself in this mirror

    you can only see others

    moreover, you can only see what others choose to expose.

    Their houses, their boats, their sea-doos.

    Birds skimming low over the water could

    like as not

    see them selves if they were to look down

    as they skim low over the water

    but they never do.

    Rather they allow their reflections to chase them

    quick and sharp over the still, glistening waters

    while the bird’s mind remains ever fixed on

    food, or other birds, or escaping those damn noisy humans.

    A dense forest impenetrable as a gaze.

    13 JUne 2007

    Like angry bee’s eyes

    the metal screen seen through the bamboo blinds.

    A million insects dot the lake spreading micro ripples

    14 June 2007

    Of Fly Catchers and hidden lakes.

    Of sleeping lizards and morning dew.

    It is of birdsong and misty dawns

    and fleeced clouds floating in a still pool.

    The waters ripple awake in the gathering morn.

    The first water birds head out for the far shore.

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