January 4, 2004
Why I’m supporting Dean – The short answer
Dave Rogers asks, in a comment to my posting about canvassing for Dean, why I’m supporting the Gov. Here’s my reply:
If you matched my positions up with the candidates’ (see the WBUR vote by issue quiz), it’d come out pretty much a wash among all of them except Lieberman. So, although overall I prefer Dean’s stances, I’m not voting primarily on the issues. There are two other reasons I’m supporting Dean.
First, I think he has the best chance to beat Bush. There are clearly reasonable arguments about this and I have never made an accurate political prediction. But it still seems to me that we can’t win by competing for the center. We did that and “lost” last time. We need instead to energize the base and bring in new voters. I think Dean has the best chance of doing that.
Second, win or lose, I think Dean is transforming politics. He’s giving people hope. (Despite what the Republicans and the media say, hope outweighs anger in the Dean movement, IMO.) He’s breaking the mold of traditional broadcast politics. He’s genuinely committed to giving citizens a voice and letting us self-organize. I think we (the grassroots) are laying the groundwork for something new and important. So, even if Dean loses the nomination, I will be proud to have worked for him.
Since beating Bush is my number one priority, of course I will work for and contribute to the campaign of whomever the Dems nominate…although my ardor will be dampened if it’s Lieberman.
Some friends of mine are considering switching from Dean to Bush (!) because they doubt Dean’s commitment to Israel. They are especially exercised by Dean’s referring to members of Hamas as “soldiers.” In context, though, he was calling them soldiers in order to support Israel’s policy of assassinating them. I don’t see how this indicates any weakness in his support of Israel, although it was obviously stupid politically.