January 17, 2004
John Perry Barlow on Spalding Gray
A sad, funny, beautiful response to Spalding Gray’s absence.
January 17, 2004
A sad, funny, beautiful response to Spalding Gray’s absence.
January 16, 2004
As I continue to try to figure out why my office eats computer equipment for breakfast, I’m thinking that my Uninterruptible Power Supply may be inadequate. Everyone who reads this knows more about electrical stuff than I do, so perhaps you can help me…
I have an APC UPS Pro 650, 650 VA, 400 Watts. My computer has, I believe, a 450W power supply. I also have a 22″ CRT plugged into the UPS. So, I think that my UPS isn’t up to the task. It’s
So, do I need a heftier UPS? If so, what specs should I be looking for? And any recommendations for brand?
Thanks to some hard work by a couple of folks, especially Boris, and a new version of MovableType released specially to fight comment spam, you can once again leave comments.
The Dean campaign has created a page that aggregates blogs from supporters who have gone to Iowa to support the Governor — a real-time, partisan, participatory newspaper.
January 15, 2004
The Cato Institute has just released its analysis of Howard Dean’s “Plan for the Internet.” This is one of the sloppiest pieces of thinking I’ve ever seen from an organization named after a Roman.
The author, Adam Thierer, begins by quoting from the Principles for an Internet Policy on the Dean site. He interprets “No one owns the Internet…. It is ours as citizens of this country and as inhabitants of this planet” as meaning ” [G]overnment must treat the Internet as one giant collective resource and regulate accordingly.” Wow. (For the record, here’s the sentence he leaves out: “The Internet does not exist for the unique benefit of any group or economic interest.” He omits it presumably because it implies that the Internet does have economic meaning, which works against the Birkenstocky impression he wants to convey.)
It gets much worse:
Dean’s Internet platform contains the key elements and catch phrases of a more sophisticated master plan for cyberspace concocted by a group of academics and public officials who advocate a “commons” vision of collective Internet governance. Their agenda consists of a three-pronged strategy: (1) Infrastructure: They want telecom, cable, and broadband high-speed networks subject to collective rule via a heavy dose of open access regulation, structural separation or even outright public ownership. And they want the Internet to be treated as a collective asset subject to “democratic rule” through a variety of “nondiscrimination” mandates and other regulatory controls. (2) Spectrum: They want most of the electromagnetic wireless spectrum to be treated as one big commons with very limited exclusive property rights. (3) Intellectual property: They want to water down IP rights and greatly expand fair use rights and the public domain.
And what is the evidence that this is Dean’s view? None is cited because none exists. The Dean campaign has not issued an Internet policy. So where does this “master plan” – with no master and no plan – come from? The next paragraph begins:
The triumvirate of FCC Commissioner Michael Copps, prolific Stanford University law professor Lawrence Lessig, and the New America Foundation (NAF) think tank deserve special mention since their advocacy of a cyber-commons has been particularly vociferous.
The rest of the article explains Dean’s Internet policy by assuming it’s the same as the “triumvirate’s”. The only problem is that neither Copps nor Lessig have declared themselves supporters of Howard Dean. True, Lessig is on Dean’s Net Advisory Net, but that explicitly does not imply that he backs Dean. And the New America Foundation does have two Deans on its Board of Directors, but one is dean of the London Business School and the other is a dean at Johns Hopkins.
So, leave aside the outrageous ascription of one person’s beliefs to another without the slightest evidentiary gesture. The content of the article is equally poorly thought.
Are markets and property rights really antithetical to openness, ideas, expression, knowledge, culture, diversity, and democracy? History shows that the exact opposite is the case. Markets and property rights have served as the foundation for those virtues…
Fine, except the triumvirate (as far as I know) doesn’t argue against markets and property rights. They argue for open markets and at least one of them — Larry the Good — has created a mechanism by which creators can maintain fine-grained control over their creations.
Thierer concludes, striking a faux reasonable note:
…Certainly there is a place for some commons within our society, but that society should be structured and governed by property rights. The commons crowd seems to reverse that equation by suggesting we need to carve out a little room for property rights in a world of collective rule. And that sort of thinking is downright dangerous, for if we allow ourselves to believe that collectivism is the central organizing principle of cyberspace, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Treating the Internet, broadband networks, spectrum, and IP like socialized property will not lead to a cyber-nirvana but to a scarcity of those very things if the Dean-Copps-Lessig vision of cyberspace collectivism prevails.
Thierer acknowledges that the “commons crowd does not regard capitalism and markets as inherently evil or exploitative.” But he misses the real point: The question isn’t whether the Internet is socialized property or private property. The point is that the Internet isn’t property. It’s a protocol by which “content” is made accessible and communication is enabled. But, of course, Thierer sees property everywhere he looks: His complaint about the FCC’s policy of licensing spectrum isn’t that it needlessly concentrates power in a few hands but that spectrum ought to be property that can be owned, not just licensed. (Adam, here’s a hint: This makes as much sense as suggesting that the government sell colors to companies…because spectrum is color. And here’s another hint.)
Further, why is it that “society should be structured and governed by property rights”? Does the Cato Institute value property rights over individual freedom? Even if the Internet consisted of property — an arguable metaphoric reach — why on earth should we think that property comes first? Whatever happened to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
But Thierer is arguing against a strawperson in any case. None of the Triumvirate (AFAIK) advocates getting rid of copyright, for example. Larry certainly has consistently maintained that the control granted by copyright and Creative Commons licenses does indeed help to make for a responsive, vibrant market. Thierer knows this and acknowledges it at the beginning of the passage quoted above. But in the last sentence he ignores the sentence he just wrote, writing that the “commons crowd” advocates “socialized property.” Except for the “socialized” and “property” part, that’s exactly right.
What a load of crap. And it’s too bad, because an honest reading of the Dean Internet Principles should be music to the ears of those who believe in liberty and free markets, the way conservatives used to.
Clay Shirky, in a msg to a mailing list, writes about the Cato Institute:
They have simply gone off the rails on the idea that there is no difference between collective action and merely aggregated individual action.
It would be fun to ask them their view of, say, standards bodies.
An excellent clarifying question…
Note: My comments are still read-only as I recover from the damn comment spammers.
John Fritz blogs about a paper by Steve Lansing about how attempts to “optimize” the traditional Balinese water supply actually disrupted the social and ecological systems, and not in the good, trendy sense of disruption. [Disclosure: I know John because I’m consulting to Icosystem, the company he works for.]
January 14, 2004
You still can’t comment on entries on this site. I had to turn comments off after getting 1,000 comment spams in two hours. I hope to have a fix in a day or two.
Thanks for your patience, and special thanks to some folks who are helping me: Boris Anthony and Karl.
Terry Heaton is a “New Media consultant” in Nashville who’s writing a book: TV News in a Postmodern World. His latest essay, “News Is A Conversation,” builds on and around Doc‘s cluetrain meme. Terry also blogs about something like Applied Post Modernism with lots of good info and ideas.
Advertising Age writes:
Anti-Bush Ad Contest Submits Super Bowl Commercial. A spokesman for CBS said the Viacom-owned network has received the request from MoveOn to run the ad in the Super Bowl, but added that the ad has to go through standards and practices before CBS will say if it can run an advocacy ad during the game. The spokesman said he didn’t think it was likely that the spot would pass standards and practices.
Have you seen the ad, the one that won MoveOn.org’s contest? What possible standard or practice does it violate? Is our country stronger because a TV network refuses to air an ad because it criticizes our president?
(Thanks to Dan Gillmor and Sheila Lennon.
I have had more than my share of hardware problems. While I’m waiting for the electrician, or someone like him, to put a second circuit into my office, I’m having problems that defy the physics of electromagnetism.
Two days ago, my son’s computer crashed. The hard drive – about 1.5 years old, well within the MTBF for drives in our house – was making ugly, repetitive crunching sounds, as if it were doing sit ups, and Windows XP Home was refusing to boot because NTOSKRNL.EXE had gone all corrupt. The drive was so far gone that I couldn’t put a new copy of the file onto it. It wouldn’t even let me reformat it and reinstall Windows.
Three days ago, my father-in-law’s PC also bit the dust. The hard drive is fine, but Windows 2000 was refusing to boot because NTOSKRNL.EXE had gone all corrupt. I might have been able to copy that file onto it, but I didn’t have one with me, so I’m reinstalling Windows — it’s easy on his because he only runs one app: a browser.
Both machines are protected by Symantec AntiVirus. Both use RCN for broadband access. Other than that, they have different operating systems, different applications, different usage patterns. All they have in common is my aura.
Could be a virus, of course, although I haven’t found reports of one that eats that particular file. Apparently, this problem is sometimes caused by boot.ini crapping out. But why on both machines at the same time?
I should never have shot that guy in that graveyard that night.
The Head Lemur replies, via email since my comments are still down:
ck the harddrives. IBM 40GB made in Thailand have problems. The spindle bearings go bad resulting in the clicking of the armature hitting the surface, causing the disk to wobble, causing the armature to hit the surface, and so on. NTOSKRNL.EXE is one of the first files needed, sitting on the first track the computer accesses during boot. having the armature hitting the spot where it sits, makes this unrepairable. you can’t record data on a surface no longer there to recieve it. Maxtor drives suffer simular problems.