Joho the Blog » Trademark protection at its mightiest
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Trademark protection at its mightiest

Microsoft continues to press its case against a 17-year-old Canadian high school student named Mike Rowe because his web site is and he refused their offer of $10. Ten dollars! I know it sounds cheap, but you have to remember that these are ten American dollars.

You have to sympathize with Microsoft: Tons of people are going to end up on Rowe’s site by mistake simply because they typed every letter after the “i” wrong.

By the way, I just registered (I would have taken, but someone in Hawaii already owns it.) Bring it on!

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7 Responses to “Trademark protection at its mightiest”

  1. is actually being used.


    I wonder why MS picked the kid to go after? I mean, he has at least some claim to the name.

  2. I wonder how my friend Marco would fare with

  3. Everyone needs to keep in mind that we Canadians are not that quick, and could possibly confuse “mikerowesoft” with “microsoft”. This is primarily due the fact that with 2 official languages, we never really know what anyone is trying to say…

  4. is also registered and being used by a speculator. is taken is available (as I type this :-))
    Though not

  5. [quote=]
    January 19/2004 :: Wow.
    Wow, this is amazing. My site this morning went down because of the massive amounts of visitors coming to my site. 250000 to be exact. My host couldn’t handle the bandwidth so he was forced to shut it it down.



  6. Microsoft must protect domaiinames against domain squatters. Domain squattering is poor

  7. Mike Rowe
    Is No

    T-Shirt at:

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