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Guess-who addresses the National Press Club?

On Sunday, I came in at the middle of a talk being aired by the local NPR station. Someone was outlining what sounded like a progressive approach to Voice Over IP and to telecommunications in general. Oh, there were so worrisome phrases — for example, freeing up more unlicensed spectrum but not addressing the broader licensing concerns — but my grasp of the issues is weak enough that I figured I was just getting them wrong.

Turns out it was Michael Powell, chair of the FCC, addressing the National Press Club.

Well, I’ll be.

(I’d trust people like David Isenberg, Larry Lessig, Dewayne Hendricks, and David Reed to do a better job evaluating this speech than I can.)

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2 Responses to “Guess-who addresses the National Press Club?”

  1. This is a great anecdote. I’m sure that if you had known upfront it was Michael Powell you would have been inclined to read all sorts of awful things into it.

    If Michael Powell were not a Bush appointee, you folks would love him. I think you should love him, anyway. He’s way better than anyone else that you will find in the Regulatorium, as Frankston calls it.

  2. I didn’t hear the whole speech, though liked the tone. He was recently in San Antonio following the Clear Channel fines. I posted some notes on this at my Web site

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