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Comments are back

Thanks to some hard work by a couple of folks, especially Boris, and a new version of MovableType released specially to fight comment spam, you can once again leave comments.

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3 Responses to “Comments are back”

  1. If you fix it, we will come.

  2. The problem that plagues many Blogs is link spam. Google’s current ranking algorithm places a lot of weight on links. Thus links are important and desired by companies trying to rank well on Google. Link popularity is critical with Google – whereas search engines like Inktomi – feeding MSN, HotBot and soon Yahoo – rank websites based on text, keyword density, site structure and other on-page factors. One of the quickest ways a Blog owner could stop this link spam is to disable HTML in the comments and disable the live URL link – unless of course Google quits ranking based on links and instead starts placing more weight to on-page factors even business cards. Immunize your blog and disable HTML.

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