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Trusting the ballot

According to an article in yesterday’s Miami Herald:

In Tuesday’s special election to fill state House seat 91, 134 Broward voters managed to use the 2-year-old touch-screen equipment without casting votes for any candidate…

The percentage of nonvotes — 1.3 percent — is modest compared to the days of ”hanging” and ”pregnant chads.” But in Tuesday’s race, every vote was crucial. In a seven-candidate field, Ellyn Bogdanoff beat Oliver Parker by just 12 votes.

The non-votes may be due to Democrats entering the voting booth only to discover that there were no Democrats on the ballot. But the mere suspicion that the machines are at fault is intolerable in a democracy.

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One Response to “Trusting the ballot”

  1. Capital

    Cool. flip out. the brilliant frost is insane. the battle for hegemony is inexorably conducted on the storm-window pane with the rising sunlight of northern nowhere. get to it. get out in it. or the dark will eat you alive. eat your bones like mice chew wires. there are moveable boxes and things. some carry sounds, or tools, or papers, or rules, but they must be applied, on what or on whom is of no consequence in this back-breaking cold. just do it now, and quickly, otherwise no one will know you, and you will not make it to evening?s paradise of repose–if that. your mouths are empty now. you cannot make your bed. the long-time operator is running your life. the mandate has been sent.

    olive sky now beckons you. take five at ten while the coffee truck oasis engages the effluence. did you expect that–effluence? with it comes panacea. for now the wholeness of bagel-dough is fluff, but ok. short shadow makes one dizzy with turning about time. voices make things different. they demand or joke or report. they know more than we do, but we make due with something for now. or maybe not. then the heart races. the palms sweat. the mind is engrossed.

    the clothes we wear are unbundled from sunday. at least then it was slower. then we had power. the cathedral spire, the football announcer, the wine, the cat, the violin strings wrapped. tenacious radiator far north of OZ confined to happiness. heat clank. not like today at all, so transparent to the daylight moon frozen by bitter light. emolument passion lags behind chipped bricks. trinity ghost on the road. someone needs to agree or be told as long as it happens before 3:15. it all must happen as planned or be damned. muffin ego flakes hard in the gym.

    sticks bent up cut up and empty. some have needles thank god. application for ever, fill out the form, so tomorrow will seem qualified. lucky smile. he says, ?babycakes, I love you.? I am on it. I is a capital, man. look at it now. squandered in flame. oiled easy. hard as a rock. the jack-of-all-trade contract is never signed. the lawyer is shark tooth, yea. no fault system insurance rage in a crunch. I need to get up. it?s capital time.

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