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Hairy Club for Growth

Halley is making light of the Club for Growth today, and manages to work us around to a Joe Conason piece on the hypocrisy of rich addicts who are hardliners about drug users except when they’re them (so to speak).

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6 Responses to “Hairy Club for Growth”

  1. Halley doesn’t allow comments on her blog, or at least I didn’t see where to do that. Nor did I see an email link. I guess she must get a lot of spam/harassment. That’s a shame because I really wanted to comment on her alpha male ideas. I can relate though because I get spam comments on my blog, too.

  2. I have never ever imagined that drugs would be so pushed and promoted as they now are! Viagra, zoloft, ridelin, prozac, procor, whatever. Drugs for everything and anything! Just see your doctor, and tell him what you want–simple and legal, but just as unsafe. I once bought into it for Limex which is immunization against Lyme disease, as I mountain bike, and it is prevelant around here. Come to find out it was pulled from the market for problems, just like the one I experienced–chronic joint pain in my shoulders, which fortunately went away after a couple of months. Who knows? You’re playing with fire here more than pot, but the $ stays in the stock market, and goes to shareholders, so, that’s ok, because shareholders are like you and me, and do not kill for greed.

  3. Basically with such a flooded market of pharmaceuticals on the internet nothing is safe anymore. Granted their are trusted companies out there doing business, how are we to know that when we receive whatever medication we order that it is truly correct? I mean I could order a bottle of somas but get some relabled asprin and they will make a killing, ya know?

    Maybe this is just my glass half empty outlook on it but I surely wouldn’t be caught getting a shipment.

    peace be

  4. Ahem…


  5. Why do not I see me posts???

  6. Morgages are fun!

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