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Collaborative Mapping

Edward Mac Gillavry has a paper on collaborative mapping that comes at the idea from a different angle than does Matt Haughey’s suggestion that someone combine a mapping system with a Slashdot-like system to do collaborative routing:

Collaborative mapping is an initiative to collectively produce models of real-world locations online that people can then access and use to virtually annotate locations in space.

Mac Gillavry points to two aspects of collaborative mapping: 1. Generating maps by mapping with your feet, so to speak. For example, at, you can see maps of Amsterdam generated by aggregating data from people carrying GPS devices. 2. Collaboratively annotating locations with content that is displayed on location-aware devices.

A wiki for every street corner!

(In case you’re wondering why mapping stuff has started showing up in this blog, it’s because I’m working on an article on it for Esther Dyson’s Release 1.0.)

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3 Responses to “Collaborative Mapping”

  1. these are the best maps i’ve seen yet. here ya go.

  2. Emergent Map of Amsterdam

    This is an exceptionally interesting approach to town planning and traffic management. In essence the project has asked Amsterdammers to let it look at their movements around the city from their perspective. Carrying portable GPS transceivers, they rep…

  3. I can’t actually find any maps here….

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