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Things you never knew why they existed

Mike O’Dell points us to a hard-to-fathom game at the Things You Never Knew Existed site.

Roulette Game

Why this counts as a game is a bit of a mystery…

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4 Responses to “Things you never knew why they existed”

  1. At first glance, I thought this was a new airport fingerprint screening device.

  2. They existed (for us, anyhow) to start an hour long debate into the worst kind of shocks to get (excluding the fatal ones and the ones that truly hurt;-)).

    The unanimous decision was that static shocks off your car when you get are THE worst.

    Here’s a tip if you get shocks from your car. Change your shoes! For some reason cheap shoes are the worst culprits (for me anyway).

    Jez Stone.

  3. I was looking for an interesting game for my nephew (aka try to get him to think I’m cool again) do you think this is too much for an 11 year old?


  4. very out of this world

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