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I was robbed!

My Motorola cell phone robbed me! According to the rules I know, my 18 (3,5,K) beat the dealer’s 15 (A,2,2,9,A). Yet the phone claimed that the dealer won, depriving me of those precious … well, it’s a matter of honor!

Motorola cell phone with a blackjack bug

Closeup of blackjack bug
Dealer’s hand is on top, mine on bottom.

Tony Goodson is the first to point out, in the comments to this blog entry, that if the dealer gets 5 cards, s/he beats you no matter who has the high hand. And I lived in Atlantic City for five years!

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7 Responses to “I was robbed!”

  1. A five card trick of any value beats your measly 18 with 3 cards!

    3. The ranking value of hands in pontoon is as follows:
    -A pontoon, which is defined as an ace and any 10-point card, including after splitting
    -A five-card trick, which is defined as any 5-card hand that has not busted. All five-card tricks are of the same value, the point total does not matter.
    -A non-busted hand of 21 points of less with 4 or less cards. Hands will be ranked within this group according to the total number of points.
    -A busted hand of 21 points or more.

  2. Reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode with the one-armed bandit.

    Are we expressing our frustration a little too emphatically with that grip? You never know this phone might some good friends in the grey goo.

    BK ;)

  3. Oh, Tony, now you’re just making up rules! :)

    (I.e., D’oh!)

  4. the rules here show that a dealers 5-card hand beats any player’s under-21

  5. That’s just an old phone, why should you worry about it? I am from Russia, and I must say we seldom see such old Motorolas here :)

  6. Valiant, it’s not old. It’s cheap. Big difference. (I, however, am both old and cheap.)

  7. The dealer always wins

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