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Driving Directions Sites

For an article I’m writing, I’m looking for sites that provide driving directions. They should either be major and obvious, such as Mapquest, Rand McNally and MapPoint or they should be really interesting.

I’m interested in general mass market mapping sites, also.

Any suggestions?

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15 Responses to “Driving Directions Sites”

  1. using

  2. is excellent for the UK – uses Ordnance Survey maps

  3. allows you to enter your addresses and search on several engines in germany.

  4. does a good job of providing driving directions.

  5. AAA’s regional websites offer the ability to make your own Internet TripTik — an online version of their famous spiral-bound maps.

    While you’re at it, right about how hard it is to plan a road trip online.

  6. What I want is cycling and walking directions – optimise for short distance, low traffic and flat routes. Driving direction sites always suck you into freeways which are a really bad idea for bicycles.

  7. I find is really good.

  8. I agree – is pretty good

  9. i agree with peterme….i need freeway-free directions. bike and freeways don’t mix.

  10. i meant..i agree with kevin marks. oops

  11. If anyone has any ideas for a site that provides freeway free directions. I am a new driver and prefer not to use the freeways, but every site I go to Takes me directly on to them. If anyone has any ideas Please send me an email.

  12. map quest is a terrible site . We get lost usung there directions almost every time. Thanks to two new ideas multimap and mapsonus that your other writers suggested

  13. Wow! What a concept. Road directions for cyclists and walkers! That would be awesome. I have read on one of the bike forums that someone at Mapquest was working on something like this. I just hope it’s better than the current Mapquest. IT SUCKS!
    RandMcNally seems a little better…..if you drive.

  14. Mapquest has the “avoid-highways” option now. It helped me plan a 100-mile “century” cycle that I’m about to do.

    I found your blog page here on Google while I was looking for a mapping page to help me plan the cycle.

    So, I just wanted to say that Mapquest is the best cycle planner now. You can even add additional stopping points using “build your route” (like the new yahoomaps beta). Mapquest wins for directions for non-driving trips.

  15. has online map service and location finder in San Francisco showing street-level (street side) pictures of every city street and can search for businesses and actually see the front of the business.

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