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What is the worst blog in the world?

David Akin of CTV and The Globe and Mail points out that if you search on “What is the worst blog in the world” (without the quotation marks), you get the weblog of the next prime minister of Canada. And he’s not even a miserable failure yet!

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3 Responses to “What is the worst blog in the world?”

  1. dag. i was pretty sure it was Meckler’s.

  2. The funny thing is if you search now you get this page for the search What is the worst blog in the world?, because you mention the exact phrase What is the worst blog in the world? a couple of times and it’s in the title (basic SEO there).

    If I mention it a few more times (What is the worst blog in the world?) then you should stay number one for What is the worst blog in the world? search.


  3. I did a search for “worst blog in the world” and got your site. Ouch.

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