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Order of Magnitude Quiz: Recycled Electronics

According to Scott Kirsner’s column in the Boston Globe today (the link breaks tomorrow):

1. What percentage of personal computers get recycled when we’re done with them?

2. What percentage of cell phones are recycled?

Scott writes that you can recycle your cell phone by dropping it off at Staples who will hand it off to a company that will resell it in a less affluent part of the world; Staples will also donate $2-$25 to the Sierra Club. Or, he says, you can go to CollectiveGood to find the name of a nonprofit that would like you to send them your old phone.

To see the answers (presumably specific to the US), use your mouse to select the areas between the X’s.

X———— 11% ———-X
X——- under 1% ——-X

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