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Cringely on Diebold

Robert Cringely writes:

Diebold makes a lot of ATM machines. They make machines that sell tickets for trains and subways. They make store checkout scanners, including self-service scanners. They make machines that allow access to buildings for people with magnetic cards. They make machines that use magnetic cards for payment in closed systems like university dining rooms. All of these are machines that involve data input that results in a transaction, just like a voting machine. But unlike a voting machine, every one of these other kinds of Diebold machines — EVERY ONE — creates a paper trail and can be audited.

Why was the feature left out of voting machines? Cringely promises us the answer next week.

(Thanks to Tim O’Reilly for the link.)

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3 Responses to “Cringely on Diebold”

  1. very intresting…

  2. if it smells like fish, looks like fish, tastes like fish…must be chicken :)

  3. Here’s Part 2.

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