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Ooh ooh! Vote for me!

Wizbang, a blog started by Kevin Aylward in April, is running a “Best Weblogs” contest — wouldn’t you if your last name were “Award” with an extra YL added? — that, through a set of spelling errors and typos, nominates Joho as best overall blog. I assume they meant “Best All-Over Blog.”

On the other hand, Joho is 20th out of 20 (11 votes as opposed to Little Green Footballs at #1 with 2,435 and at with 1,972) , so there is some justice. You are allowed to vote once a day until December 15.

And good news! They let a woman onto the list of best overall blogs! Congratulations, Megnut! To be fair (i.e., to try something new), there is a category for Best Female Authored Blog. No, there isn’t one for Best Male Authored Blog, for obvious reasons.

Anyway, I’m darn proud of Joho’s humiliating showing.

Shelley corrects me. There are two women-written blogs in the Best Overall category. Thanks, and apologies to Michele at A Small Victory.

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8 Responses to “Ooh ooh! Vote for me!”

  1. Kevin at Wizbang tells me I’m going to be in a special category he’s creating for me called MOST EGREGIOUS OMISSIONS, as I seem not to have rated in any category whatsoever. I suppose I might find solace in the notion that HALLEY’S COMMENT defies all description, and is in a class by itself.

  2. I noticed the category “Best Foreign Blog”.

    Where is “foreign” on the Internet ?

  3. Blogger Strike

    I woke up this morning and the side of my mouth looks like the Goodyear Blimp is now residing there. You might think this would put me in a poor mood, but the sun was out and there were these two little finches on my window sill, trying to get warm and…

  4. Virginia Postrel (of Dynamist Blog) is also a woman, as is Jen Chung of ‘The Gothamist’ and don’t forget Xeni’s contributions to BoingBoing.

  5. No problem, D. Many people mistake my blog for one written by a man or, sometimes, a droid.

  6. Already updated my blog to reflect Gothamist and BoingBoing, as well as Dynamist.

    Ans looking at the current poll results — Hey David! You and Jeff and Kaus are sharing the same space with all the women bloggers in the poll. This is an honor, you know.

  7. Should have been a Larger Victory, I suppose…

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