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RageBoy’s New Rage

I’m liking the look of Chris‘ new project, No Love Lost: Narcissism & the New Age, a book he’ll be writing on line. Nice cover art, too.

Chris Locke's book-in-progress

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10 Responses to “RageBoy’s New Rage”

  1. Just the fact that he is calling Eckart Tolle a psycho is enough to render anything he has to say on the subject mute. Just looking at his outline, makes it painfully obvious that he is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. And my theory is it’s merely an exercise himself in narcissitic self-aggrandizement and possibly self-therapy and rage toward all the “therapies” he has tried and failed to utilize for himself. I feel sorry for the poor boy.

    Nevertheless the book looks very humorous and I look forward to reading it immensely.


  3. lol. This story is entirely unverifiable. Not a single mention of it anywhere but on this obscure and questionable website. Upon reading it it’s obvious that it’s a joke. Please tell me you didn’t actually fall for this one? :-)

  4. Since the page is titled “Spoofs,” yeah, it’s clear that it’s a joke.

    What isn’t clear is whether this is a spoof.

  5. Lol. Well, perhaps I’m a ‘psycho’ too by RageBoy’s definition, as I don’t see anything in this passage that’s off the mark in how most people love. It’s all pretty grounded stuff actually. It’s been my experience that the healthiest love is one without conditions or ego attachements as Tolle is saying. Love given unconditionally is pure, pleasurable and simple. What more to it is there David? What am I missing? For the record, I’m happily married for 12 years.

  6. Paul, the problem is that what he’s saying is what everyone knows, pumped up with pseudo-metaphysical verbiage to 3000 psi. If it works for you, then you’re welcome to it but I find it embarrassing.

  7. Actually David, I find this passage par for the course – meaning it’t at the same level as Dr. Phil and nearly every other relationship “expert” out there. I’m not disputing it’s obviousness. What I’m disputing is the contention that the man is a psycho. Thats a sharp and negative comment to call anyone, and I would expect an equally sharp piece of evidence to back it up. I have yet to hear you or RageBoy explain this in any meaningul way. Is it because he uses the context of “ego” and “presence” instead of other equally dubious traditional psychobabble? I’m only seeing a few “new age” buzzwords thrown in there. He’s simply tieing it in with being in the present moment, which is definitely NOT obvious to almost everyone I know. Of course you have a right to find it embarrassing, but how is it any different from anything else out there? It’s apparently obvious to you, but not to the millions who read his books, or to the millions who still as a matter of course suppress their emotions rather than integrate them, accounting for the rather large percentage of people living in misery, or prozac.

    My biggest fault with Tolle, is he is short in actual practical example about how to do it, which again is par for the course for almost everything out there these days – reputable or not.

  8. I didn’t call Tolle “psycho.” I never heard of him before this exchange. What I read of his approaches self-satire, not psychosis.

    Re-read your theory in the first msg on this thread, Paul, and then listen to your demand for evidence before making “sharp and negative” comments.

    (And I should qualify the msg I wrote immediately before this one: I meant my comments to apply only to the little bit of Tolle that I read.)

  9. I never said you did David( re: psycho). We seem to be having a miscommunication, with what appears to be a confrontational tone each response I get from you. I started this thread from RageBoy creating an entire project out of trashing whole groups of people, some of whom are very decent compassionate people, and referring to several of them as “Psycho’s”. Calling anyone a “psycho” is pretty negative and demands a bit of factual evidence don’t you think? So, I stood up, posted a comment to your blog and pointed out that it seems obvious that RageBoy has a lot of exactly that – rage. I don’t think I’m wrong in pointing out that he is guilty of the same thing he is accusing these people of doing (i.e. narcissism).

    As for Tolle, I could care less one way or another about him.. he’s rather harmless and certainly not a psycho.

    If you are referring to some other thing I posted as a negative comment, I’m not seeing it. I have never thought of you personally or anything you’ve written in a negative way, not once.

  10. Likewise, Paul. Your initial comments about my pal RB burt me. That’s what causing the undercurrent of hostility in my comments. Thanks for being careful to deflame the conversation.

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