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The Web as Anti-Rumor: Why the Authorized Web is Boooring

Michael Jackson has created his own, highly dignified Web site:

I have set up this website to serve as a source of official communications on my case. Any statement that does not appear on this website must be considered unauthorized.

The three links on the page lead to statements that say nothing more than that it’s all lies. Maybe as the rumors get more specific, the rebuttals will become more worth reading. So far, though, the site is yet more evidence that the more authorized a site is, the less interesting it is, which you may take as a backhanded, unsupportable and unfair jibe at digital ID and the Semantic Web.

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3 Responses to “The Web as Anti-Rumor: Why the Authorized Web is Boooring”

  1. is that web official or unofficial ?
    is MJ his ownwer or only fans promoters


  2. Does anyone else get the sense that this is a setup to increase sales at any cost. A month from now the allegations gets dropped and we all live happily ever after with a ‘new’ greatest hits CD being released!!

    Call me cynical.

  3. MJ’s press releases not a blog

    I agree with Dave W. not Dave W. on this one – what happened to authentic voice of a person?

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