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Send Back Your MP3s

Here’s a site that every youngster who’s ever downloaded an illegal MP3 must visit. It changed my life. I think it just might change yours.

Dave’s concerned that someone might take this idea seriously even though the site is scrupulously careful to give only absurd instructions on how to do what it satirically suggests. (Let me emphatically agree with him: Yes, sending mp3s through the mail would be a hideous and stupid waste of bits.) I like his counter idea of cutting up your CDs and sending them back to the record companies, though. But I need ’em for backup!

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2 Responses to “Send Back Your MP3s”

  1. Give As Good As You Get

    David Weinberger urges us to go here and send back your ill-gotten MP3’s, you scruvy pirate dogs, you….

  2. a totally irrelevant comment, but why are you still using media to backup? think firewire/usb drives – they’re big and cheap and if you clone the hole machine periodically you don’t make any choices about what to backup and you don’t worry about anything – you can even boot from these things if your system crashes completely: no downtime!

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