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More MetaMetaness

Earl Mardle reflects on metadata and the value of vagueness, commenting on Jay Fienberg‘s commentary on my article. He puts well the way in which metadata is linguistic and thus ambiguous.

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2 Responses to “More MetaMetaness”

  1. Patterns, Paranoia, Chaos and Lies

    I’m enjoying Jay Fienberg’s Blog iCite, as much for what he starts me thinking about as for what he says himself. Here’s a sample There is, however, an idealism that, given enough charts and tables and maps of data, cross-referenced

  2. When compared to the Stack, the Heap is a simple thing to understand. All the memory that’s left over is “in the Heap” (excepting some special cases and some reserve). There is little structure, but in return for this freedom of movement you must create and destroy any boundaries you need. And it is always possible that the heap might simply not have enough space for you.

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