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We’re having a Dean party…

On Nov. 18 at 7pm, you’re invited to a party at our house in north Brookline to write letters to undecided voters in Iowa telling them why you’re supporting Howard Dean. There is something peculiarly thrilling about writing these letters. If you’re interested in coming to our little party, let me know.

No, I am not inviting people who want to write letters to the same folks explaining why they’re not supporting Howard Dean. So now we know where the limit of my liberalism is.

If you want to host your own party, click here. Parties are being organized for the 18th and 22nd of every month until the first primaries. Parties on the 18th write to Iowans; those on the 22nd write to New Hampsherinis (New Hampsters?).

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7 Responses to “We’re having a Dean party…”

  1. AP: “I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks,” the former Vermont governor said in a telephone interview quoted in Saturday’s Des Moines Register. “We can’t beat George Bush unless we appeal to a broad cross-section of Democrats.”

    Oh, and by the way, we still love the watermelon and fried chicken-eatin’ folks too!


  2. I like Dean. Can I somehow join your party from Stockholm? An instant messaging group? Webcam? A wiki? How can I help and is it ok that I’m not american?


  3. Rikard, You’re welcome to join although I’m not sure how. I could set up a webcam but is that actually going to be a lot of fun for you? You couldn’t even eat the dip…

  4. I’ll make an international collaboration dip and try to come up with some way to contribute, maybe some ideas on how to extend the Dean internet campaign outside the US. Hey, I think I’m gonna re-read Emergent Democracy for inspiration.

  5. Carpal Tunnel for Dean

    Like every liberal arts student in the continental United States, I have a degree in Political Science; however, I don’t generally “do” politics. I watched presidential races with detached amusement until a few years ago when one candidate caught my…

  6. To Rikard Linde: please get in touch with me to develop our Dean 04 Sweden chapter in Stockholm, Sweden, thanks !!!!

    You are all welcome to join the international Dean website: Dean 04 worldwide

    Corinne Sinclair

  7. hey you people suck u never invited me!!

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